Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well, it poured, and I didn't plant

It's Thursday already, and I'm trying to have some energy. I did go and buy a few yard sale things, but I was so out of breath that I was perfectly useless afterward.

Today I spent a lot of time on the phone and email gettin set up to begin Xeloda chemotherapy on Monday. Turns out it has to come from the Anthem specialty pharmacy, and won't be here until then. I've mapped out on my computer calendar two weeks on, one week off, ad infinitum. If only....

Bourbon Slush

I would make bourbon slush except I'm low on bourbon. But here's the recipe, courtesy of Kathy Cole, and with some tweaking.

Boil six cups of water like you're going to make a gallon of iced tea. Pour over four quart-size tea bags, with two thirds cup of sugar, and let it steep.

Into a gallon pitcher, put an extra-large can of oj concentrate (16 oz), a big can of lemonade (12 oz) and three cups of cold water. Add the iced tea concentrate, and 2 1/2 bottles of bourbon. Of course since I use Jack Daniels it's Tennessee whiskey slush and not bourbon slush. This makes just under a gallon total. I freeze it in two seven cup containers, and usually have some left over to do something with.

The recipe Kathy gave me said you serve it like sherbet by scraping it out with a spoon, but what I like is to scrape a good helping into a water goblet and add orange juice and club soda. Sometimes a shot of whiskey, too. Her recipe also didn't call for such concentrated tea, but I like this since I almost always dilute it. The thing to remember is that both sugar and alcohol prevent freezing hard, so if you want to add whiskey, you should put a little less sugar.

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